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Year 2

Class Teacher: Miss Manoy

LSA: Mrs Prewett

Term Five Monday 15th March - Friday 24th May

Our value this term is Courage

This term our enquiry is: What will we see when we explore the world? 

Children will be learning about the oceans and continents in the world. We will investigate what it is like in hot and cold countries. We will learn about Kenya and find out about how diverse it is. We will look at a Kenyan village and compare it to where we live. We will be finding out how exploring the world has changed by studying explorers from the past and from modern times. We will also be identifying and comparing animals from around the world and finding out about life cycles. 


In maths this term we will be learning about division, followed by a units on fractions, shape and time. 

English writing

We begin this term by looking at the exciting adventures of Tom in ‘The Great Explorer.’ We will use this text to recap sentence structure, learn to use a range of conjunctions and expand our vocabulary. We will learn some new sentence starters to use in our writing. We will then have the chance to create our own adventure story based on the text.

English Reading

We will continue to read texts matched to our current reading levels, but we will also be doing whole class reading comprehensions. This term our texts will be all about famous explorers such as Robert Scott, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.  We will be practising comprehension skills; answering questions and summarising. 


Our question this term is ‘How do we celebrate the Journey through Life?’  We will be looking at what it means to take a journey, the important events through life for Christians and for members of other religions and cultures.


This term’s unit looks at our relationships within our family and with our friends and acquaintances and how these can look different for each of us. These lessons also help us deal with conflict and find resolutions.



Term Four Monday 19th February - Thursday 28th March

Our Value this term is Forgiveness

This term we will continue with our enquiry What difference can a person make?

We will continue to learn about other people who have made a difference and we will also be considering how we can make a difference. In Design and Technology we will also be completing a design project to make a Ferris Wheel!


In English, we are looking at a narrative unit 'Elf Road'. We will be innovating our own stories and working hard to add interesting words and phrases.  


We are starting a new unit on Multiplication and Division. We will be working hard to try and learn the 2,5 and 10 times tables off by heart and using our knowledge to solve problems. 


In term 4 we will continue to look at a range of stories from different religions to consider ‘Why some stories are special?’


Our PSHE topic this term is Healthy Me.


Our topic for terms 3 and 4 is materials. We will question and investigate why different materials are used for different purposes. We will identify the properties of various materials and take part in investigations and create designs based on our learning.



Term Three Thursday 4th January - Friday 9th February

Our value this term is Trust

This term our enquiry will be: What difference can a person make?

We are looking forward to investigating Brunel and all of his achievements this term. We will learn all about his engineering designs and successes and we will particularly focus on his local achievements. We will have the opportunity to practise building a strong bridge and complete some art based on ‘Emily Ketteringham’s’ wonderful local artwork. We will also learn about some other people who have made a difference which will support us in considering how we can make a difference too.


In English, we are learning how to write information texts. We will then be looking at the poem 'Where do you get your ideas?' and using it as inspiration for our own poems. 


We are starting the term with our next  Addition and Subtraction unit which moves on to adding and subtracting two digit numbers. We will be learning lots of new strategies to help us with our calculations. After this, we will be looking at money.


In terms 3 and 4 we will look at a range of stories from different religions to consider ‘Why some stories are special?’. This will give us the opportunity to read and discuss bible stories and parables as well as stories from the Torah and the Qu’ran.


Our PSHE topic this term is Dreams and goals.



Term Two Monday 30th October- Wednesday 20th December

Our value this term is Respect

This term our enquiry will be: What helps living things grow and thrive?



In English, we are learning how to write instructions. We will then be looking at the poem The Owl and the Pussycat and using it as inspiration for our own poems. 


We are starting the term with an Addition and Subtraction unit. We will be learning lots of efficient strategies to help us calculate answers quickly. After this, we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes.


In RE we will be answering the questions: Where do we belong? How do people show that they belong to a religious community?


Our PSHE topic this term is Celebrating Difference.

Home learning

Reading: Children will get two new home reading books each week. These match the RWI level that your child is currently working at. It is very important that your child reads regularly at home to develop fluency.  Every child should aim to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week. 

Spelling: We follow the Spelling Shed programme.  Your child has a spelling book which will have new spelling stuck in each week.  Their Spelling Shed login is in their reading record book. They are expected to complete games at home.  Please see the file below for the overview of spellings for this term.

Maths: All children have Numbots passwords in their Reading Record. Please encourage your child to go on numbots regularly to develop quick recall of facts.