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Year 3



Class Teacher: Miss Moxey

LSA: Mrs Brewer

Term Five Monday 15th March - Friday 24th May

Our value this term: Courage

Our PE day is on Tuesday - children can come to school on those days wearing their PE kits. Swimming is every Friday.

This term our enquiry will be ‘How did the Nile help Ancient Egyptians survive and thrive?’

Over the next two terms, we will be learning how the Ancient Egyptians used the river Nile to survive and thrive. Learning about Ancient civilisations and how they communicated.

In guided reading, we will be reading the text ‘The Boy who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd. This will give children the opportunity to practise their retrieval, prediction and inference skills in reading. 

In our writing lessons, we are learning to write a fairy tale using the text ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’. We will explore how to write creatively, modelling our story on this version of the fairy tale Cinderella. We will also focus on poetry using the text ‘Walking with my Iguana’. We will then explore a portal ‘time slip’ story.


We will begin by exploring fractions, learning how to read and write fractions (including tenths), as well as how to subtract and add fractions.  After this, we will move on to Geometry, learning the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes.  We will be practising our fluency in arithmetic and timetables. 


In Science, we are learning about plants. We will understand the parts of a plant, the life cycle of flowering plants and what plants need for life and growth. We will be closely focusing on plants that live in Egypt linked to our learning enquiry.


Our RE Unit for this term is ‘Why are some journeys and places special?’.


We will start in Term 5 by practising our athletic skills in preparation for sports day.  Every Friday we will go to swimming lessons. 


Our Jigsaw unit this term is ‘Relationships’. As part of this unit, we will be looking at family roles and responsibilities, friendships and being a global citizen. 


Term 4: Monday 19th February - Thursday 28th March

Our value this term: Forgiveness

Our PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday– children can come to school on those days wearing their PE kits.

This term our enquiry will be ‘How did people start to settle?’

We will continue to explore settlements within our local area and look for geographical reasons why people may have chosen to settle here in the past. As historians, we will then explore the Stone Age, beginning with finding evidence to discover what life was like before people started to settle in one place and then learning how life changed in the Neolithic period as people moved from being nomadic hunter-gatherers to living in farming-based communities. As geographers, we will explore the features of a Stone Age settlement, such as Skara Brae and Cheddar, and decide which one we might have preferred to live in.


In term 4, we will develop our understanding of reading non-fiction texts and learn more about the Stone Age by exploring ‘Skara Brae’ by Dawn Finch.

In our writing lessons, we will revisit writing to inform by creating a set of instructions based on ‘How to look after a pet mammoth’. We will then explore how to write a newspaper report and will create one based on the discovery of the Stone Age remains at Skara Brae.


In term 4, we will explore column subtraction and we will look at the relationship between addition and subtraction. We will then learn how to tell the time accurately to the nearest minute and explore different types of clocks such as digital, analogue and ones with Roman numerals.


In term 4, our RE unit is ‘Salvation’. We will be exploring the different events in the Easter story and learning about how Christians celebrate Easter. Our value in term 4: Forgiveness.


In Science, we will learn about different food groups and the nutritional value of different types of food. We will learn what our bodies need to survive, and we will be finding out about our main organs and the important role played by our skeletons. We will also learn about our muscles and how our skeletons change as we grow older.


Our Jigsaw unit for term 4 is ‘Healthy me’. 

Home learning

Reading: It is very important that your child reads regularly at home.  On completing a book, each child completes an Accelerated Reader quiz.  Every child should aim to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week. 

Spelling: We follow the Spelling Shed programme.  Your child has a spelling book and will write their spellings in it each week.  Their Spelling Shed login is also in this book, and they are expected to complete games at home.  Please see the file below for the overview of spellings.

Maths: All children have TT Rockstars passwords in their Reading Record.  It is important for children who are not secure at their tables to practise regularly.


Term 3 Monday 4th January - Friday 9th February

Our value this term: Trust

Our PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday– children can come to school on those days wearing their PE kits.

This term our enquiry will be ‘How did people start to settle?’

We will begin by exploring settlements within our local area and looking for geographical reasons why people may have chosen to settle here in the past. As historians, we will then explore the Stone Age, beginning with finding evidence to discover what life was like before people started to settle in one place and then learning how life changed in the Neolithic period as people moved from being nomadic hunter-gatherers to living in farming-based communities. As geographers, we will explore the features of a Stone Age settlement, such as Skara Brae and Cheddar, and decide which one we might have preferred to live in.

In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We will be continuing to develop our retrieval and inference skills as well as exploring new vocabulary such as cogs, axles and furnaces.

In our writing lessons, we will be learning the tale ‘The Stone Trolls’ by Dean Thompson and getting inspired to create our own stories. We will be revisiting how to use expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and prepositions within our writing. Towards the end of term 3, we will also be exploring poetry by reading ‘The Journey Through the Stone Age’.

We will develop our understanding of additive relationships and column addition, where we will also further explore mental strategies for addition and subtraction calculations. We will then move on to exploring multiplication, focusing on developing rapid recall and confidence in the 2, 4 and 8 times tables and their related division facts.


Our RE Unit for this term is ‘Why do religious books and teachings matter?’. We will be exploring different religious writings, as well as looking at how we can express our own beliefs. 


In Science, we will learn about different food groups and the nutritional value of different types of food. We will learn what our bodies need to survive, and we will be finding out about our main organs and the important role played by our skeletons. We will also learn about our muscles and how our skeletons change as we grow older.


Our Jigsaw unit for term 3 is ‘Dreams and Goals’. 

Term 2 Monday 30th October - Wednesday 20th December

Our value this term: Respect 

This term our enquiry will be "How has electricity changed and improved our lives?'


In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘Ice Palace’ by Tarjei Vesaas. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text and exploring new vocabulary such as snowdrift, chasm and collision. In writing, we will be working towards writing our own set of instructions on how to construct a circuit; linking to our enquiry question. 


In Maths this term, children will develop their understanding and confidence with numbers up to 1000. Throughout the term, children will be practising their timetables to ensure confidence and fluency. 


As scientists this term, we will be looking at electricity. We will build up our learning to answer our question: ‘How has electricity changed and improved our lives?’. This involves learning about what our life looks like with electricity and what it looked like without. We will extend our knowledge from term one and begin to look at how shadow and light are formed.


Our topic for Term one PSHE is 'Celebrating Difference'.


Our topic this term is Incarnation and the Holy Trinity. Children will understand the importance of baptism and be able to make links between texts.





Term One Wednesday 6th September – Friday 13th October

Our value this term: Thankfulness

This term our enquiry will be "How has electricity changed and improved our lives?'


In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘Too Small Tola’ by Atinuke. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text and exploring new vocabulary such as convoy, whirring, and judder. In writing, we will be working towards writing our own set of instructions on how to construct a circuit; linking to our enquiry question. 


In Maths this term, children will be adding and subtracting across 10s, to secure the number sense taught in Year 2 and understanding how to bridge across and through the tens. In the term, two children will develop their understanding and confidence with numbers up to 1000. Throughout the term, children will be practising their timetables to ensure confidence and fluency. 


As scientists this term, we will be looking at Electricity. We will build up our learning to answer our question: ‘How has electricity changed and improved our lives?’. This involves learning about what our life looks like with electricity and what it looked like without. We will be able to identify and construct a simple series electrical circuit.


As artists this term, we will be exploring warm and cool colours. We will also compare and analyse pop art by influential artists such as Andy Warhol. 


Our topic for Term one PSHE is 'Being me in my world'. This dives into how to make our community and school a better place, children's right to learn and how to care for other people's feelings. In term two, our topic is 'Celebrating Difference'. This focusses on acceptance of others, problem-solving, bullying and how every person is different. 


This term in PE, our unit of work is Personal Skills, with a physical focus on Coordination: Floor Movement Patterns, for the first 3 lessons and on Static Balance: 1 Leg Standing, coordination for the remaining 3 lessons. In year 3, we will also have swimming lessons. Swimming is a fun activity, but it is also very important for safety and our health.