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Year 4

Class Teachers: Mr Purchase

LSA: Mrs Tarren

Term 5 Monday 15th April - Friday 24th April

Our value this term: Courage 


Reading: On Mondays and Tuesdays, we are doing Whole Class Guided Reading. We are reading The firework-maker daughter and answer questions about the text each lesson to demonstrate our comprehension. We also discuss any new vocabulary and interpret ideas from the text.

We are still using Accelerated Reader and the children can complete quizzes on their books in class. This term we are using the levels that were assigned to each child and are assessing when these children need to move periodically (written in their reading record). 

Writing: On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, we are learning to write two different kinds of texts. The first area that we are writing is going to be focusing on is taking all the different skills that we have been developing across the terms and writing a descriptive portal story. The second type will be a piece of wiring based on the text King of the fishes and the purpose of this piece will be for entertainment.

Spelling: We have 3 weekly spelling sessions (spellings can be found in a pdf at the bottom of this page). We are looking at Stage 4 (purple section).  


In Maths this term we are covering the following areas: 

  • Fractions
  • Division
  •  Coordinates 
  • Symmetry 

We complete daily times table practice, focusing on different times tables across the term, focusing on speed and accuracy. 


This term our enquiry is: How do animals survive? 

Our Enquiry is made up of lots of mini-enquiries which help us to answer our overall question and this term will be focused on science. We will be focussing on a number of different areas where the children will have a chance to learn and question some of their own ideas around the mini-enquiries. They will also be showing their own prior knowledge on different areas they may already know about, and they will be able to bring these into our new lessons.


Home learning

For homework children should be doing the following every week: 

  • Reading as often as possible - ideally 5 times a week
  • Practising times tables on TT rockstars (go into jamming and select the times table to practise)
  • Spelling shed - complete the assignment (specific words) set each week by Mr Purchase

TT Rockstars:

Spelling Shed:

Children have logins for the websites above in their reading records. If these are missing, please let Mr Purchase know and the children can be given them again.