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Year 6

Follow our Y6 Crew on X (Twitter): @MMontgomBerrow

Class Teacher: Mrs Montgomery

LSA: Mrs Hunt

Term 5 - Monday 15th April - Friday 24th March

Our value this term: Courage

This term, our enquiry will be 'Why do we need to adapt and change?'


In English, we will be reading our anchor text, ‘Journey to Jo'burg'. We will be writing to explain and entertain, linking our work to our enquiry focus.  Spelling, punctuation and grammar are taught alongside our writing and are linked fully, allowing children to put into practise what they have learnt.


As Mathematicians, we will be focusing on ratio & proportion and algebra.  In addition to our daily lessons, there will be daily arithmetic practice and an expectation that all children are fluent in their times tables and division facts.


As Scientists, we will be learning about how things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. We will also be learning about adaptation and how this may lead to evolution.


In R.E. we will be focusing on Islam and what it means to be a Muslim.


As Artists, we will be learning about and using the skills of the Impressionists.


Our topic is 'Relationships'.


In PE, we will be concentrating on the health and fitness elements of PE and athletics.

Home learning

Reading: It is very important that your child reads regularly at home.  On completing a book, each child completes a book review task for our Reading Journey Book. They will also complete an Accelerated Reader quiz.  Every child should aim to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week.  An average chapter book should take around 3 weeks to read (Harry Potter etc., a bit longer!).  All children have passwords for Read Theory.

Spelling: We follow the Spelling Shed programme.  Your child has a spelling book and will write their spellings in it each week.  Their Spelling Shed login is also in this book, and they are expected to complete games at home.  Please see the file below for the overview of spellings.

Maths: All children have TT Rockstars passwords in their spelling book.  It is important for children who are not secure in their tables to practise regularly.

Recommended Reading List for Year 6: