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Free School Meals

If you think your child might be entitled to Free School Meals, please apply using the link below:

Somerset Council Free School Meal Application

Parents and carers who receive any of the following are entitled to free school meals:

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
  • Universal Credit with an annual household income of less than £7400 after tax
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit, with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMRC) of less than £16,190

Only the benefits listed above qualify for free school meals. If you have recently become unemployed, but are still receiving Working Tax Credits, you may be entitled to free school meals. Please phone Somerset Council on 0300 123 2224 for advice.