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Year 1


Meet the Team

Teacher: Mrs Powell

Supportive Teaching Team: Miss McDonell

Term One

Our value this term is Thankfulness 

Term 1 Overview of Learning

Our enquiry is: What is around me?

This is an exciting and engaging enquiry question set to explore what the children can see around them. 

Our mini enquiry questions:

What can I see outside my window?

What grows near me?

Where am I?

What is the weather?

What is a living thing?

What am I?

Are all animals the same? 

Each lesson will comprise of different activities for the children to take part in, to build their vocabulary and understanding on the world around them, starting with what they can see 'outside their window'.


Throughout the term we will be revisiting prior learning and skills and building on these to develop confidence in number recognition and formation.  We will be working on gaining a confident understanding of bonds to 10 and beyond.

English Writing

In English we will be working on building stamina in writing, focusing on letter formation and using phonics to support spelling.  We will be using different high quality texts to support writing.  


In R.E we will be discussing 'Who made the world?' The children will be exploring how the world was created using the bible story from Genesis.


Our science topic for these next two terms will be Plants and their structures and Animals including humans.  We will be planting our own seeds to see how they grow throughout the term.  We will be investigating different plants and using our observational skills.  

We will also be observing how the seasons change throughout the year, using the large tree on the playground, to observe it's leaves and how it changes as the seasons change.

The children will be making their own weather stations, they will record their results and compair their results with others.


P.E is on a Monday and Thursday. Children should bring their PE kits in a bag. PE kits should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a white Berrow logo t-shirt or plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers.

Forest School

Forest school is on a Monday afternoon.  Children should bring their forest school clothes in a named bag please.


In computing, we will be looking at systems and networks, learning how to log onto the computer and to use the mouse to draw.  We will also be looking at where else we can find technology, beyond the school.  


This term’s unit is ‘Being me in my world’. First we will be looking at what makes us feel safe, both in school and the wider community.  We will build on this to how we can take responsibility for our actions and what consequences mean.  We will focus on what makes us proud and how we can have a positive impact in our school and community.