Year 3
Class Teacher: Mr Purchase
Supportive Teaching Team: Miss Moreton
Term Three
Our value this term: Trust
This term our enquiry will be "How did people start to settle?"
In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘To The Other Side' by Erika Meza. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text and exploring new and familiar vocabulary from our anchor text. In writing, we will be working towards developing short burst writes based on our class text and developing skills to improve these before trying to write 2 final pieces: a sequel to the story and a diary entry from one of our characters.
In Maths, in term three, children will develop their understanding of right angles along with understanding the additive relationship in questions. Throughout the term, children will be practising their timetables, focusing on 4's and previously taught tables to ensure confidence and fluency.
As scientists this term, we will be looking at skeletons. We will build up our learning to answer our question: ‘How did people start to settle?’. This involves learning about nutrition and diets as well as the importance of bones.
As artists this term, we will be exploring prehistoric art thinking about how art looked back in the stone age and creating our own prehistoric art using collage techniques.
In term three, our topic is 'Dreams and goals'. This focusses on looking at what dreams and goals are and how we can set our own while also trying to help and encourage others to reach their best. We will also be looking into our 'No outsiders' area in class worship and how this links to our PSHE topic of differences.
This term in PE, year 3 will be looking to develop their dynamic balances in pairs and individually while also practising their coordination with ball skills alongside their learning gymnastics.